Forex trend drawdown indicator

Author: Prom On: 22.07.2017

What percentage of your account have you lost? This is normally calculated by getting the difference between a relative peak in capital minus a relative trough. In trading, we are always looking for an EDGE.

That is the whole reason why traders develop systems. You could lose the first 30 trades in a row and win the remaining No matter what system you use, you will eventually have a losing streak. Even professional poker players who make their living through poker go through horrible losing streaks, and yet they still end up profitable.

Forex Indicators Guide

Instead, they only risk a s mall percentage of their total bankroll so that they can survive those losing streaks. The key to being a successful forex trader is coming up with trading plan that enables you to withstand these periods of large losses.

And part of your trading plan is having risk management rules in place. Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end.

forex trend drawdown indicator

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