Escrow account earnest money

Author: zlion On: 26.06.2017

A good faith deposit usually goes into a trust or escrow account held jointly by the seller and the buyer. Sound like a commitment?

Earnest Money

Earnest money is not an additional cost or money down the drain. Think of your good faith deposit as an advance on the sale. If the sale goes through as planned, your good faith deposit will fold into your down payment.

And putting earnest money on the table can give you a little breathing room to finish getting your financing in order.

Sellers rarely accept offers without a good faith deposit. While that sounds great for buyers, that would essentially take the home off the market while the buyers debated the merits of the homeā€”not feasible for a seller who needs to attract interest and offers.

escrow account earnest money

And just like a larger-than-expected offer, a large good faith deposit can sometimes tip the odds in your favor if your seller is seeing a lot of interest in their home. Your lender may want to verify the source of your earnest money. Lenders want to know that this money really does belong to you and accurately represents your ability to fund a home purchase.

You should be able to show that the money has been in your accounts for at least 60 days. When a sale falls through, you may or may not get your good faith deposit back.

You will usually get your deposit back if your lender declines your financing or if the home inspection turns up any problems. A nominal cancellation fee is usually deducted in either case. Never give your good faith money directly to a seller.

Make sure your money is going into an escrow account and that the firm or broker handling it is properly credentialed. Ready to buy the home of your dreams?

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Field Guide to Escrow Accounts/Earnest Money | nihoyuyipe.web.fc2.comr

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