Mob wars make money

Author: a_v_k_76 On: 23.05.2017

How do you get up there? How do you make all that money? Well, while it may all be water under the bridge for the more veteran players, but there are some pretty good tips for players from levels and how to get started. Rule 1 of successful mobbing: Invest early and often as this will be your primary bankroll. That said, managing your finances early on is critical.

While it may seem obvious you have to be very careful with what you purchase and should never buy more than what you absolutely need.

Try not to be too frivolous and resist the urge to buy some of the really cool toys. By the same token, however, you do want to spend a little extra on all real estate.

An In-depth Look: Mob Wars

Never, ever buy it one item at a time. The game implements an increasing cost mechanic every time you make a purchase, so you want to buy real estate in sets of 10 so they cost less in the long run.

Buying in bulk is almost always cheaper regardless of where you are in life. However, if you cannot afford a full set of 10, just be patient until you can. By no means should you sell smaller real estate in order to buy bigger ones as you will, once again, loose money. Cubicle Denizen has a pretty good spreadsheet that can help you find the best investments with the highest return if you want more details.

Okay, so now you know how to make the wisest investments, but how do you get that extra money? However, take precautions against being one yourself. So what stops them from doing the same thing to you? Now it comes down to play style. There are two methods to utilize here, one is to make more friends and build your mob, but the other is to fight, fight, fight, which sounds a lot more fun.

However, you still have to pick your targets wisely. Next, find one that has lost a lot. At this point, save the link and repeat attacks until they go to the hospital of course, make sure your weapons are enough to win first.

That leads to one final tip: If you ever find yourself in the hospital, take advantage of it. You know how when you play Monopoly and everyone has hotels up?

Building a strong Mob easy as 1, 2, 3, 4 | Kano Community Forums

Where is the best place to be? You run no risk of losing money while in there. The same goes for the hospital.

mob wars make money

So there you have it. While it may not help the most advanced players, this should be enough to get you a decent start. Invest wisely, spend wisely, search for pigeons and clones, and always take advantage of the hospital. While it may not make you The Godfather, it can put you that much closer. There are also some very interesting discussions, such as this one , on the web regarding strategy and further tips for improving your mob. Good luck, and happy mobbing.

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mob wars make money

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